
Make a Decision, then Make it Right

Make a Decision, then Make it Right

Since we talked about perfectionism, goal setting, & owning your goals last week, I wanted to expand on that a bit… “Make a decision, then make it right.” That was a line I heard in that biz conference I attended.

And dang, did that flip me upside down. Like for real  – years from now, I am absolutely convinced that will be a quote that I will remember as one that changed my life.

Here’s the basic gist:

You, me, any of us… we can’t know the future exactly  –  that is simply data we don’t yet have access to, right?

So, if you accept that as fact, then you also must accept as fact that you can never know… not 100%… if a choice you are making is “RIGHT”.

Because you don’t have all of the data of what WILL happen  – either generally, or as a result of that choice.

So many people get bogged down in “Oh, I gotta make the RIGHT decision”…. I have to do the RIGHT thing” or everything will be terrible… 

I’m sure at least a few of you have done that  – I know I sure have… many times.

Why?  You can’t know ahead of time if it is right… or not.

Not very comforting, is it?

That’s okay… because it doesn’t need to be comforting… you have a superpower  –  did you know that?

Your superpower is this:

Make whatever choice you want, the one that most strongly resonates with and aligns with your highest priorities and values and dreams…

… and then MAKE IT RIGHT.

What does that mean?

That means, okay… now you’ve made a choice, you’ve decided on something.

Maybe that something is to lose weight. Or to quit smoking. Or to strategically build an ACTUAL AUTHOR CAREER.

You made the decision.

You told yourself, and anyone else who would listen that THIS  –  this thing right here  – I want that and I will have that.


So NOW…. 

NOW you have to make that decision right.

And that is your superpower   – because that is 100% up to you and no one else.


You want an author career?  Build it.  Learn what steps you need to take to strategically and INTENTIONALLY build the author career YOU want…

… and then DO THAT.

Because THAT is the only way that decision will be “RIGHT”.

Because if you don’t  –  (coming back around full circle here from last week’s talk about perfectionism, goal setting, and ownership).

… if you don’t…. Then you have either self-sabotaged before you even got off the starting line…

… OR, you really in your heart didn’t want it  – maybe it wasn’t “YOUR” goal, like we talked about last week.

But if you truly want it  – and you’ve made the decision  – you’ve DECLARED it to be so…

Remember… commitment? This is just another layer.

It is up to you to use your superpower and make that decision RIGHT.